Betting Profits Formula

Arbitrage betting – also known as arbs, surebets, miraclebets and surewins – is a technique in which you place bets with different online betting companies in order to cover all of the outcomes of a sporting event to guarantee yourself profit. An arb arises when betting companies take an alternative view on the outcomes of a particular. Lay Betting System For Profit. Unique Betting System. Football Lay Betting The Usual Layers Outlook. Betfair Laying Bet. Proven Football Betting System Formula That Wins. Back Betting Versus Lay Betting. How To Be Ultra Successful At Soccer Lay Betting. Practical Information. How Betting Exchanges Make Lay Betting Possible. Final profit = lay stake. (1 – commission) Free bet – stake returned (SR) formulas. A) Profit if free bet wins: Profit = free bet value. back odds – lay stake. (lay odds – 1) b) Profit if lay bet wins: Profit = (1 – commission). lay stake; c) To work out the ideal lay stake for even profit, no matter what the result. Matched Betting Spreadsheet - Profit Tracker It is very useful to track your profit and your bookmaker balances - nothing beats seeing a profit figure rise up and up! But setting up your own spreadsheet can be time consuming and it may not have all the features you would like. So you would need to lay Leeds for £23.31, with a liability of £7.69 - learn how to calculate your lay bet liability. Calculating your profit for a back to lay hedge bet. Use the following formula to calculate your profit if your back bet wins.

Do you want to win incredible motorsports bets and take all the cash home? Well, probably this is the reason you are here.

If you want to make money betting on motorsports, then there are several strategies that you must utilize. Having these worthy strategies by your side will not only increase your chances of making tons of bucks. But it will also improve your knowledge of motorsports and eventually, you will learn to bet on the right person or team in the future.

In this motorsports betting guide, we will provide you some valuable information that will enable you to take your motorsports betting game to the next level. So without further ado, let’s jump into the guide and know more about these stunning motorsports betting strategies.

Key Factors In Motorsports – Financial backing and Team Owners

Motorsport is a fascinating sport, but most of the novice bettors fail to understand it. It is a well-established idea, and there is a lot of tendency in the fact that the driver’s driving skills play a significant role. But while this is essential, it certainly does not hold the bulk of the importance.

To be a successful motorsports driver, one also requires substantial financial support, a dedicated team, and solid ownership.


Therefore, while making your betting picks, you must make yourself aware of the teams with strong financial support and an impressive track record.

So how to look for such teams? Well, you will not have to dig into their bank accounts. It is much simpler. Just look for the historic race winners, and you will get to know which teams are performing consistently.

Understanding Different Types Of Tracks

When football teams play football, they play on the same size ground no matter wherever they play. The same case is for basketball. However, when we talk about motorsports, the scenario is entirely different.
In every race in motorsports, the pitches or tracks where the drivers compete are wildly different. Usually, novice bettors make the mistake of not considering this essential factor.

Therefore, before finalizing which driver or team to bet on, you must understand the nature of the track. What material is used to make this track? Is it an easy track for the racers? Is the track long or short? What are the weather conditions? Is the race scheduled in the day or at night?

These are some of the questions you need to ask before making the move of betting upon a particular driver/team.

Lower Your Risk Of Losing A Bet With Matchup Bets

There are several simple betting types in other sports, like the correct score (in football), that lowers bettor’s variance. However, when we talk about motorsports, the matchup bet comes into mind.

One of the most effective ways of lowering your risk of losing a motorsport bet is to opt for matchup bets. In a matchup bet, you will have two choices of drivers, among which you need to pick one. It does not matter where both the drivers finish or if they even complete the race. All that matters is which driver ends higher than the other one in a matchup bet.

Your probability of winning a bet will eventually increase when you have to pick one out of two drivers instead of choosing one out of 40.

Professional motorsports bettors often indulge in matchup bets. Matchup bets do not only lower their overall risk of losing. But it also opens the door for earning huge profits over each race.

There are several other types of bets in motorsports, such as:

  • Podium Finish Bets
  • Pole Position Bets
  • Stage Winner
  • To-Win Bets

Teammates Are Important

Motor racing is technically an individual sport that does not seem to require a team effort. People do not usually appreciate the role of team members, including mechanics, strategists, and engineers. However, if you observe, then you will get to know that teammates aid in providing a foundation that helps drivers to improve their performance.

A driver can indeed win a race or two independently, but having a solid team becomes essential in the longer run.

Therefore, being a bettor, you must look for drivers with dedicated teams.

Weather Strategies

Another thing to take into consideration is the weather. You may not believe it. But, indeed, atmospheric or environmental conditions can significantly impact both the car and the driver’s performance.

In motorsports, there are several cars that drivers use. Some of the cars hold themselves better in the rain/wet while others do not.

Moreover, in motorsports, there are two types of tires used on cars and bikes. These two main categories of tires are slicks and rain tires. Choosing the wrong type will not only affect the performance of a car, but it can also result in defeat.

Therefore, analyzing the weather conditions before opting for a car to bet on becomes essential.

Betting Profits Formula Vs


If you are looking for a little more adrenaline with your betting, then motorsports betting is something you should give a go. Betting in motorsports with proper strategies and tactics can lead you to the road of profitability. Bet Wisely! Bet Rightly!

FormulaBetting profits formula

For the past couple of weeks, I have been bombarded with emails about some bloke called Joshua Jacobs, every one of my many email addresses were filling up with the usual hard sales bull that appears in your inbox all too frequently. I did the usual thing of filling it firmly in my email trash can. That was until I heard from a good friend, widely respected throughout the industry, that I probably should have a read of it as I “will be surprised!”.

That caught me a little of guard, so I toddled off and got myself a copy. I opened it, still half expecting the normal 12 page waffle, but instead found myself staring at page one of no less than 194! Now, I can waffle with the best of them, but even 194 pages is stretching my abilities, ‘maybe there is something useful in here’ I thought.

So, with a healthy amount of scepticism and a little curiosity I began my journey through the Betting Profits Formula book. I was a little bemused that it took 15 pages to actually find anything useful although, to be fair, the opening pages are a glossary of all the racing terms you will come across on a daily basis, and for those new to the game is potentially very helpful.

So, onto the first of six ‘Modules’ - not chapters - modules and, sceptical as I have been, it does actually contain some useful information. In fact, some of the information is very useful. Module One gives a grounding in sports betting for those who haven’t ventured into this game before, and gives a timely reminder of the fundamentals to those that have. Joshua even reveals little tricks that I didn’t know about myself, so I was beginning to think there may actually be something in this course after all!

Now that we’ve been taught the essentials of sports betting, Module Two goes on to give the reader a couple of interesting little systems to operate that actually took me by surprise, as I can see where Joshua is coming from with them and I see no reason for them not to make consistent profits. Obviously, I’ve not tried these out for myself yet, but I can see the logic behind them.

Kelly Betting Formula

By this point, I’m getting more and more intrigued! I was expecting 10 pages of waffle, one page with a ’system’ and one with a ‘real life example’. What I was actually finding was some very useful information, without too much in the way of padding. Read on I think…read on…

Module Three deals with football betting and is no less than 22 pages of systems and examples, again they make sense. Module Four is a much shorter chapter and looks at other sports and how to find value bets to strike…yep, yet again it makes sense. Module Five deals with trading, Module Six gives you tips from the professionals. I confess to being a little surprised to read professionals giving away their secrets, but again, there’s not much to fault with the strategies discussed - and they discuss a few!

The final 70 or so pages are really just rounding up all the information from the six Modules, and trying to give you some extra information, variations on strategy and even an extra system or two to boot!

So, did I find Betting Profits Formula any good? Hell yeah! Do I have any complaints? Just one minor niggle really, it is a bit of an information overload, especially for those completely new to the game, however, a first read through will get you an idea of what parts will interest you (if you don’t already know) and then it’s just a case of re-reading those parts that do and getting to grips with the strategies detailed in there.

I have to admit that I am very surprised to find myself giving this a big OBE thumbs up, but credit where credit is due, you won’t find many courses out there that will give you so much information and so many different strategies for the money. Go grab your copy NOW!

Until next time,
Online Betting Exposed
  1. Chris on June 26th, 2008 4:45 pm

    Hi folks and please forgive me for my english
    This is my first post here, i found this website few days ago and i’m glued to it since,
    OBE is terrific,so at first i wanted to thanks people involved in it, you’re doing a great job.
    Ok now let’s go back to Betting profits Formula, i have a question for people how already
    bought and read it concerning the Betfair screenshots on the salespage, the cricket, football and tennis match, at first saw it looks like dutch, so i took my dutch calculator, enter the odds.. no dutch, then i took my calculator to find out the stake for each line, and wathever the outcome, it would lose some money, first i thaught, ok i can make the same “can’t lose” screenshots to boost a scam ebook salespage, but a detail attract my attention, for the football match there’s two lines with 88£ and one 98£ profit, a dutch always produce an equal profit for each bet, so i hope there something real behind this.
    So my question is, did you find in this book a system that can produce this kind of bets with a real profit, like the author claim on salespage screenshots?

  2. Paul on June 19th, 2008 12:34 pm
  3. Mark on June 19th, 2008 12:15 pm

    Thanks Paul/Paul

    I’m fortunate enough to make money trading so will give it a miss, I don’t make £7k mind so am perhaps missing something.

    I would have to pull you up on something though. The website is definatly biased towards giving the reader the impression it is a number of systems to be duplicated and not trading. Just my view in Reading the webite a few times now, so if it is a number of trading stratergies then I think it is a little misleading

    I must admit I an leaning towards mechanical systems at the moment much like all the ones which are currently on test here. I find trading is a skill that you either have or do not and a book may point you in the right direction but ultimatly will not make you sucsessful



  4. Paul on June 19th, 2008 12:39 am
  5. Paul Pro on June 18th, 2008 8:33 pm

    Bought it, used the strategies, won some lost some. Realised tradings not for me! Not really a system, if you want my opinion i would say don’t buy. But thats just my opinion.

  6. Paul on June 18th, 2008 7:02 pm
  7. Mark on June 18th, 2008 4:52 pm

    So has anybody purchased this and made the £7k a month that the website claims? I know the guys have given it glowing reviews but we don’t seem to have anybody willing to post results using it???

    Any comment welcome!



  8. Paul on May 22nd, 2008 6:20 pm
  9. Dotun on May 22nd, 2008 6:04 pm

    Am a new bie in sport betting and I need the Betting Profit Formular, please can anybody help out ?
    Cause have been ripped off many times

  10. Nicky on May 22nd, 2008 5:42 pm

    Ok Paul thank you. So has anyone actually tested it for a month or 2 yet?

  11. Paul on May 22nd, 2008 12:01 am
  12. Nicky on May 21st, 2008 11:57 pm

    how much around about can be made and what modul s being used with what betting bank? thank you.

  13. Nicky on May 21st, 2008 11:49 pm

    i know that paul. have you not read it?. Didnt mean too say system. Can u give me and the rest of the guys an idea of how much can be made with say a £100 ban weekly? would be much appreciated.

  14. Paul on May 21st, 2008 11:38 pm
  15. Nicky on May 21st, 2008 8:56 pm

    ok whats happening with this system its been a while. any good?. Think you could give an honest low estimate of what you are most likeley to of made a month with £100 bank?. Cheers.

  16. Paul on May 21st, 2008 7:15 pm
  17. Nuno on May 21st, 2008 6:09 pm

    how much money we can make, and how many money we have to start our bankroll???

    How much time do i have to spend to make 100€ ???

    Thanks very much


  18. Paul on May 3rd, 2008 9:56 am
  19. Stephen Snow on April 30th, 2008 1:34 pm
  20. Jeff on April 2nd, 2008 8:09 pm

    Maybe someone can clear something up regarding this system. I contacted the system developer - Josh. Since the sales site references Betfair and UK sports, I asked if this is something I can use in the US. He responded with, “If I’m honest with you, the BPF is not really for US users because Betfair don’t allow you to bet with them… and having a Betfair account is quite important.” Any US players using this?

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