Is There A Trick To Scratch Off Tickets

In a world full of losing lottery tickets, it would be nice to have a way of knowing whether or not a ticket is a winner before buying it—even if it’s a small prize. Unfortunately, it’s not that simple, primarily because scratch-offs are meant to be random and not at all obvious. Still, most of us often ask ourselves how to tell if a lottery ticket is a winner without scratching it, and in this article we’ll take a look at a few people who successfully managed to do so.

There are over 100 scratch built bridges and trestles modeled after real-life structures. Over 130 talented craftsmen volunteered over 200,000 man-hours to create our display. EnterTRAINment Junction was conceived in 2003, train construction began in June of 2007 and opened for business in August of 2008. The trick itself is ridiculously simple. Latex coating at the left side of the ticket. Keep the ticket. 4 Scratch off the latex. Scratch ticket sold by Virginia: While there were far too.

Mohan Srivastava: Hacking the Scratch

In June 2003, Toronto-based geological statistician Mohan Srivastava won a measly $3 on an old tic-tac-toe ticket he’d found. Though the amount was small, Mohan was thrilled. He soon started to ponder how such tickets were made and how the computer program used to generate them would determine the winning tickets. It was evident to him that there was no way this was random, as the lottery corporation would have to have its limits on winning tickets. With that, Mohan started to question whether he could figure out which tickets were winners. He wanted to crack the code.

After a long day at work, Mohan had figured out an algorithm that the little voice in his head wouldn’t let him forget. He knew he could likely prove a flaw in the lottery system, which could potentially be exploited by players persistent enough to win the lottery. He realised the tic-tac-toe lottery game made certain numbers visible that would be the ultimate clue in determining which tickets were winners. He referred to it as a “secret code,” though he deemed it to be incredibly simple.

Essentially, Mohan would categorise numbers based on how many times it appeared on a card and determine whether a ticket was a winner based on the way numbers were repeated. He placed a special focus on “singletons,” or numbers that only appeared once on a tic-tac-toe board. With singletons typically being repeated under the latex coating that disguises the winning code, Mohan was able to figure out that singletons appearing in a row on one of the boards typically indicated it was a winning ticket. He figured out that his method worked about 90% of the time.

Instead of taking advantage of the flaw, Mohan reported it to the Ontario Lottery and Gaming Corporation. From there, he was put in contact with Rob Zufelt, who worked as a member of the security team for the corporation. When he didn’t receive word back, Mohan followed up by sending Zufelt a package, which came with 20 unscratched tickets that he sorted by what he determined to be winners and losers. When Rob reached out, he confirmed Mohan’s suspicions—he’d accurately predicted 19 of the 20 tickets sent, effectively proving that his method worked. This eventually led to the tic-tac-toe game being pulled.

Mohan soon learned that his trick would work beyond the tic-tac-toe game when his friend from Colorado sent him some lottery tickets. The singleton method worked on those tickets as well, though the accuracy was a bit lower—down from 90% to 70%. The same occurred with a Super Bingo game featured in Ontario despite not having the same flaw as the original game. When he revealed this to the Ontario Lottery, they pulled that game as well.

During an interview in 2013 with the New York Times, Mohan Srivastava said he believed that this method could still be utilised to determine winning tickets, though it may be more restricted with tickets being mass-produced in the millions and the ten top prize winners being spread throughout the country. He also noted that an app designed to detect winners could be effective if properly and methodically written. He suspects that despite all the safeguards that are put into the process of making scratch tickets, there are still effective ways to crack tickets, though he’s a committed career man and doesn’t have much time to continue figuring them out anymore.

Joan Ginther: Gaming the System?

Joan Ginther, a Las Vegas resident with a Ph.D. from Stanford, is among the winners who many believe may have scammed the system. Ginther seemed to know exactly what she needed to do to win big, to the point that she won the Texas Lottery four times over ten years. However, it was determined that she likely spent $3.3 million on tickets over time, which resulted in $20 million in winnings. Weirdly enough, each of her tickets was purchased from the same store in Texas, and each big win always amounted to the millions. Likewise, people suspected she had a hand in her friend Anna Morales’s 23 wins—seven of which won her between $1,000 to $10,000.

Is There A Trick To Scratch Off Tickets

Despite her name becoming popular in the media, Joan has refused to be featured in any interviews, which has left the population to speculate how she did it. Writers at Philly started to investigate her many wins, and after analysing Texas Lottery records with experts, they found that Joan likely just followed basic gambling principles. It wasn’t the answer the public was looking for, but it serves as a great reminder to play smart.

So, Is There a Way to Tell if a Lottery Scratcher Is a Winner?

Just as Mohan Srivastava stated above, there may still be ways that the code behind scratch tickets even nowadays can be cracked. However, for the most part this will be much harder to do than it was before the types of faults that Srivastava pointed out were fixed—at least in North America. However, it’s entirely possible that other countries’ scratchers still have undiscovered faults in them that, to an extremely analytical eye, could still be taken advantage of.

Realistically though, it’s incredibly unlikely that most lottery players have the time or knowhow to play methodically. However, playing smart and assessing numbers may very well increase your likelihood of winning big, even if there’s no 100% guarantee that you’ll buy a winning ticket.

As the Philadelphia Inquirer assessed, there’s no true randomness in the lottery, especially with pre-printed scratch cards. When it comes to certain games, the Texas Lottery is specific about the number of winners in each pack of tickets. This allows players to pay attention to where the winners come from and how many winners there have been, which is essential in figuring out whether to continue playing from a specific pack or switch to another one.

In terms of knowing whether a ticket is a winner before scratching, there is no tried and true guarantee. Mohan Srivastava’s method is useful and worth utilising if you have the time, but with how games have changed over time, it may not work as efficiently. The lottery isn’t always fair, so if you find that you never run into a big winning ticket, remember that many people are in the same boat with you. We’d all like to know how to crack the lottery, but unfortunately it’s just not that simple.


While there are tips and tricks when it comes to playing lottery games, it is impossible to guarantee that every scratch-off you buy is a winner. Lottery winners exist all over the world and have one very crucial thing in common: luck. After all, it’s merely luck of the draw once your cards are in. Instead of looking for a way to ensure your ticket is a winner without scratching it, take advantage of the different lotto strategies available to you—they could very well be your key to taking home millions.

If you thought that your scratch-off lottery ticket was a loser because it didn’t have any winning number, then you might want to change your mind.

There are a lot of people who won manydifferent things because of their losing scratch-off ticket, and how is whatyou’re going to find out next.

The lottery isn’t just a win-or-lose game; it actually gives you a lot of chances to win even when you lose with your scratch-off lottery ticket.

If you don’t believe me, then let me tellyou these three words: the second chance lottery.

So if you’ve been wondering what to do withyour losing scratch-off lottery ticket, here’s your answer: KEEP IT.

You will need it in the second chancelottery.

Whatare second chance lotteries?

If you have never heard of a second chancelottery then today is your lucky day.

If you lose at the big game and didn’t haveany of the winning numbers, then you might have another chance at winning inthe second chance lottery.

Second chance lotteriesare bonus draws that give people higher chances and higher odds to win evenwith a losing ticket.

You get to enter the losing scratch-off lottery ticket or any losing lottery ticket in the drawing of the second chance lottery to win different prizes and different amount of cash even though you lost the first time.

Not every lottery company and state givesother people the chance to play another time to win, so they don’t offer thesebonus draws.


Whydoes the lottery offer second chances?

You might think it’s a scam so far, I meanwhy would the state offer you a second chance of winning?

Why would they risk losing more money?

Well, simply, because whatever you win, thestate wins more.

Keeping the process of lottery going longerhelps the state win more revenue and more money overall.

If the state stops the lottery on the firstround once someone wins, there will be no more tickets sold, no more revenueraking in, and no more money for the state.

Second chance lotteries help the state sellmore tickets by convincing people that they can still win large prizes and a bigamount of cash, and the more they sell, the more the state wins.

Even if the secondary lottery games don’toffer big prizes, people still get motivated to take part of them and buy moretickets with the extended drawing period, some people still participate to wineven points for gift cards or small prizes.

And, since you get to pay taxes on everyticket you buy, that means even more money for the state at the end of thelottery.

Whatare the odds of you winning?

In a lottery, your chances of winning arevery slim, even slimmer to none, if you get to pick 6 numbers out of 49numbers, your chances of winning are 1 in 12,983,816 for the jackpot.

Which means that winning in a normallottery is chance of 1 shot in 13 million, and some other lotteries have evenworse case scenarios which mean, lower odds of winning.

But, the good news is that in second-chancelotteries you’ve got higher chances in winning.

Why is that?

Simply because there are a lot of peoplewho don’t even know about second chances in the first place, and even thoughsome people know, they don’t even bother participating because they’re lackingthe thrill of the biggest prize.


Because of all these factors,you’ve got higher chances in winning the second chance lottery than you do inthe first one.

How To Win The Scratch Off Tickets

In some states, an online list ofprizes is provided which shows the odds of winning them depending on how manyentries that have been received.

So if you live in one of thesestates, checking your odds will help you determine where to put your money in.

In which states you get a second chance lottery?

If you’re convinced ofparticipating in the second chance lottery, then you need to make sure you livein one of these states:

  • Alaska
  • Hawaii
  • Nevada
  • Mississippi
  • Alabama
  • Utah

If you’re looking for moreinformation concerning the second chance lottery, then the website of thelottery of your state will have more information.

How do second chance lotteries work?

Each state has its own set ofrules when it comes to second-chance lotteries, but there are some generalrules that every state has that you’ll have to follow.

Even if you don’t live in the laststates that were mentioned, in 44 states there are 43 states that have otherforms of second chances.

So depending on the form, therules change.

You first need to give a visit toyour state’s lottery website to check if they have any other form of secondchance drawings and find out their rules.

You need to check if the games areeligible, the entry deadlines and how many drawings occur to make sure you’vecollected all information concerning this.

To join these games, you’ll haveto visit the website, create an account with your information (name, last name,date of birth, email address) and simply follow the instructions.

In some states there’s no onlineentry system, so you’ll have to email your ticket and information if you wantto participate.

CheckingYour Account Status

The great thing about registering online is that you cancheck back the information you’ve entered at any given moment to check ifthey’re correct or not.

You don’t want to enter an incorrect name and let anotherperson win with your ticket, isn’t that right?

To let all odds in your favor, recheck your account andmake sure you’ve entered the tickets and the information correctly.

Diy Scratch Off Ticket

Some sites will send you a notification on your email forconfirmation to make sure everything’s correct.

Is There A Trick To Scratch Off Tickets Without

Make sure to check the website’s guideline and rules to getan idea of how you’ll be informed in case you win, even though most websiteswill do it either by phone or email.

But just give the website a look to avoid any surprises.


Since second chance lotteries are for people who lost thefirst time, there are a lot of prying eyes on it.

Scammers prey on second-chance lottery players sincethey’re more likely to believe them because they’re looking for an easy way outwith a small prize rather than look for the big one.

To avoid scammers simply look for these signs:

How To Scratch Off Tickets

● Emails with spelling mistakes

Is There A Trick To Scratch Off Tickets Ticketmaster

● Emails asking you for money or personal information

Is There A Trick To Scratch Off Tickets

● Any form of communication that includes spelling mistakesand that ask for personal information and money

When in doubt, ask for someone to check if the email isscammy or not or simply check the website for further information.

Even though you might think that all hopes are lost once you lose the jackpot and don’t have any winning number, second chance lottery comes for rescue and gives you another chance to win extra draws, so make sure you always keep your scratch-off lottery ticket.

Second chance lotteries are not only beneficial for thestate, but for you too since you’ll be able to have higher chances of winningprizes with less competition, so if you’re looking for an easy way out withsome interesting prizes or cash involved, make sure to participate in them.