Set Mining

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  1. Lego Mining Set
  2. Set Mining Btc
  3. Set Mining Login
  4. Set Mining
  5. Set Mining Poker
  6. Set Mining Math

Tips for Set-Mining in NL Holdem. Set-Mining = Playing pocket pairs pre-flop hoping to catch a set on the flop. Set mining is a favourite past-time for a lot of players in NL Holdem and its very obvious why. It’s extremely exciting waiting to catch that set on the flop, and to the unsuspected opponents these hands can be very rewarding when you successfully hit your set. Mining investors set to enjoy huge cash bonanza. The mining industry is enjoying the most benign conditions in more than a decade. “It is looking strong,” Glasenberg said on Tuesday, after. Set CPU fan control to auto, it was 100% all the time; Set PCIe Speed from Auto to Gen1; Last thing was to modify “Restore on AC/Power Loss“, set it to “Power On” or “Last State” (if power goes off and after a while is back on, the rig will start automatically) Biostar TB85 BIOS Restore AC Power Loss Biostar TB85 BIOS PCIe Speed Gen1. Set mining in poker is when you call a raise preflop, usually with a small or mid pocket pair such as 22, 33, 44, 55, 66, 77, 88 or 99, with the sole intent of trying to flop a set (three of a kind), and win a big pot. But many people make the mistake of not set mining with the right odds. Bitcoin Mining Guide - Getting started with Bitcoin mining Step 1 - Get The Best Bitcoin Mining Hardware. Purchasing Bitcoins - In some cases, you may need to purchase mining. Step 2 - Download Free Bitcoin Mining Software. Once you've received your bitcoin mining hardware, you'll need to.

Everyone loves looking down at their cards and finding a pocket pair staring back at them. A pair in the hole is much easier to play than unpaired cards. You either have a powerful pair like aces, kings, and queens, or can go set mining with smaller pairs.

Set mining is something you do every session without even knowing about it. It’s the term used for playing a smaller pair in the hope of flopping a set. Sets, as we know, are extremely strong hands in Hold’em. They don’t guarantee a victory, but they vastly increase your chances.

What is a set? A set is the poker terminology for three-of-a-kind made up a pair in the hole and another card on the board. Trips are also three-of-a-kind, but with the pair being part of the community cards. Sets are preferred due to the fact they better disguised. This makes it easier to set, pardon the pun, traps for your opponents.

An Example of Set Mining

The following example shows how strong set mining is when it works. Your opponent raises with Ad-Kd and you call in the big blind with 6c-6s. The flop falls Ah-6d-4c gifting you middle set.

A set in this scenario is exceptionally strong. The player with ace-king, regardless of how good they are at poker, is going to invest more money into the pot. They have top pair top kicker and have a second-best hand that is going to turn expensive. There are very few turn cards that will slow them down. Imagine the turn is a king. They’re never folding top two pair; you’re getting their entire stack.

How Often Does Set Mining Work?

Poker math remains static regardless of the stakes you play. The odds and probabilities of being dealt a pocket pair in Hold’em is always once in every 17 hands. You can work this out by dividing the total number of possible combinations (1,326) by the total combinations of pocket pairs (78). This comes to exactly 17.

The chance of flopping a set also remains constant. More complex arithmetic is required to work this out, but trust me when I say it’s a little over 7.5-to-1. That’s the equivalent to a little under 12% of the time you’re dealt a pocket pair you’ll flop a set.

How profitable flopping a set is is the only thing that alters as it’s player and situation dependent.

Should You Always Set Mine?

You shouldn’t always try set mining despite sets being extremely powerful hands. Everything bet or call you make in poker is determined by pot odds and implied pot odds. You want greater 7.5-to-1 odds to mine a set, ideally.

Think of it this way, you only hit a set once in every 8.5 hands. You need to make more than 8.5-to-1 on your investment to justify set mining. Several other factors need consideration too.

Your opponent won’t always pay you off when you flop a set. The board may be draw-heavy, for example. Your opponent may be unwilling to put any further money in the pot. A hand such as Jc-Js isn’t going to bet many chips on an As-Kd-4c board when you have pocket fours.

Set Mining

Don’t forget that your set isn’t invincible either. They do lose. These losses tend to be costly, particularly in a set-over-set that will often cost you a stack.

Lego Mining Set

With all that in mind, you need a much greater possible return than 7.5-to-1 on your investment. Most players use the rule of 10 when it comes to set mining. This means you need pot odds or implied pot odds of at least 10-times your bet or call.


Always pay attention to the effective stack sizes when considering set mining for the reasons above. Someone raising 250 from a 1,000 short stack doesn’t have enough chips to justify trying to flop a set, for example.

This document explains how to set up geth for mining. The Ethereum wiki also has a pageabout mining, be sure to check that one as well.

Mining is the process through which new blocks are created. Geth actually creates newblocks all the time, but these blocks need to be secured through proof-of-work so theywill be accepted by other nodes. Mining is all about creating these proof-of-work values.

The proof-of-work computation can be performed in multiple ways. Geth includes a CPUminer, which does mining within the geth process. We discourage using the CPU miner withthe Ethereum mainnet. If you want to mine real ether, use GPU mining. Your best option fordoing that is the ethminer software.

Always ensure your blockchain is fully synchronised with the chain before starting tomine, otherwise you will not be mining on the correct chain and your block rewards willnot be valueable.

GPU mining

The ethash algorithm is memory hard and in order to fit the DAG into memory, it needs1-2GB of RAM on each GPU. If you get Error GPU mining. GPU memory fragmentation? youdon’t have enough memory.

Installing ethminer

Set Mining Btc

To get ethminer, you need to install the ethminer binary package or build it from source.See for the official ethminerbuild/install instructions. At the time of writing, ethminer only provides a binary forMicrosoft Windows.

Using ethminer with geth

First create an account to hold your block rewards.

Follow the prompts and enter a good password. DO NOT FORGET YOUR PASSWORD. Also takenote of the public Ethereum address which is printed at the end of the account creationprocess. In the following examples, we will use 0xC95767AC46EA2A9162F0734651d6cF17e5BfcF10as the example address.


Now start geth and wait for it to sync the blockchain. This will take quite a while.

Now we’re ready to start mining. In a new terminal session, run ethminer and connect it to geth:

ethminer communicates with geth on port 8545 (the default RPC port in geth). You canchange this by giving the --http.port option to geth. Ethminer will findgeth on any port. You also need to set the port on ethminer with -Phttp:// Setting up custom ports is necessary if you want several instancesmining on the same computer. If you are testing on a private cluster, we recommend you useCPU mining instead.

If the default for ethminer does not work try to specify the OpenCL device with:--opencl-device X where X is 0, 1, 2, etc. When running ethminer with -M(benchmark), you should see something like:

Note hashrate info is not available in geth when GPU mining. Check your hashratewith ethminer, miner.hashrate will always report 0.

CPU Mining with Geth

When you start up your ethereum node with geth it is not mining by default. To start itin mining mode, you use the --mine command-line flag. The --miner.threads parameter canbe used to set the number parallel mining threads (defaulting to the total number ofprocessor cores).

Kids mining setSet Mining

You can also start and stop CPU mining at runtime using theconsole. miner.start takes an optional parameter forthe number of miner threads.

Note that mining for real ether only makes sense if you are in sync with the network(since you mine on top of the consensus block). Therefore the eth blockchaindownloader/synchroniser will delay mining until syncing is complete, and after that miningautomatically starts unless you cancel your intention with miner.stop().

In order to earn ether you must have your etherbase (or coinbase) address set.This etherbase defaults to your primary account. Ifyou don’t have an etherbase address, then geth --mine will not start up.

You can set your etherbase on the command line:

You can reset your etherbase on the console too:

Note that your etherbase does not need to be an address of a local account, just anexisting one.

Set Mining Login

There is an option to add extra data (32 bytes only) toyour mined blocks. By convention this is interpreted as a unicode string, so you can setyour short vanity tag.

You can check your hashrate with miner.hashrate, theresult is in H/s (Hash operations per second).

Set Mining

After you successfully mined some blocks, you can check the ether balance of youretherbase account. Now assuming your etherbase is a local account:

You can check which blocks are mined by a particular miner (address) with the followingcode snippet on the console:

Set Mining Poker

Note that it will happen often that you find a block yet it never makes it to thecanonical chain. This means when you locally include your mined block, the current statewill show the mining reward credited to your account, however, after a while, the betterchain is discovered and we switch to a chain in which your block is not included andtherefore no mining reward is credited. Therefore it is quite possible that as a minermonitoring their coinbase balance will find that it may fluctuate quite a bit.

Set Mining Math

The logs show locally mined blocks confirmed after 5 blocks. At the moment you may find iteasier and faster to generate the list of your mined blocks from these logs.